Why ‘The Universe Came from Nothing’ Is the Dumbest Thing You’ve Ever Heard.

2 min readNov 4, 2024

Alright, fasten your seatbelts and let’s dive into this cosmic nonsense. The idea that the universe popped out of “nothing” like some cheap magician’s trick isn’t just wrong — it’s cosmically absurd. We’re talking about a hypothesis so flimsy, it makes a soap bubble look like reinforced concrete.

First off, let’s address the elephant in the void. What even is “nothing”? The average person imagines an empty void, a dark, spooky vacuum where not even dust bunnies dare to float. But in physics, “nothing” isn’t really, well, nothing. Quantum fields, virtual particles, and all sorts of unseen madness are still dancing around in what we often call “empty” space. So, if someone tells you the universe came from nothing, ask them if they mean the philosophical nothingness of pure absence or the quantum nothingness that’s more like an over-caffeinated toddler with a sugar high. Spoiler: it’s never the first one.

Now, let’s assume for a moment that we’re really considering absolute nothingness — no particles, no energy, no laws of physics, nada. What’s the chance of a whole universe springing out of that? About as likely as winning the lottery without buying a ticket. It doesn’t add up because there’s no mathematical structure, no possibility, no cause, no effect. “Nothing” doesn’t just magically…



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