Atheism Makes Zero Sense and Here’s Why

3 min readOct 27, 2024

Okay, so I’m just gonna say it: atheism is dumb. Like, seriously, how can anyone actually believe that there’s no God?

You think everything just magically appeared out of nowhere? Yeah, right. Atheists want you to believe that the universe just exploded into existence with no reason behind it. That’s like saying a car built itself with no engineer or a house just popped up without a builder.

It’s literally the dumbest thing ever.

Here’s what I don’t get: atheists go on and on about “science.” They act like science is some magical answer to everything. Bro, science doesn’t explain why we’re here. It just explains how things work after they’re already here! It doesn’t answer the big question: where did everything COME from?

“Oh, it’s just random chance,” they say.

How does something come from nothing? What kind of logic is that? It’s like saying a laptop just materialized out of thin air.

Then there’s the whole morality thing. If there’s no God, where the heck do atheists get their morals from? Like, if you don’t believe in God, why not just do whatever you want?

Steal stuff, hurt people, lie all the time — there’s no punishment, right?



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